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we are walking through worlds, right now. the sun & the earth are shifting, literally beneath and above and between us. (there was an earth quake in so-called california on wednesday). by studying human design’s system of transits, by studying the patterns of the stars & planets and their cycles above, we can sense what plays out below.

how “the Sun is conjuct Ketu in Hexagram 60, Limitation, the Gate of Acceptance, and the Earth is conjunct Rahu in Hexagram 56, the Wanderer, the Gate of Stimulation. Uranus in Hexagram 3, Difficulty at the Beginning, the Gate of Order. All together these energies are creating the Channel of Mutation” (from @humandesignlife, check out her work!) 

this is a time of becoming deeply aware of our own limitations. what can we do, and what can we really not do? we have real, physical, tangible limitations. like it’s hard to love you if i am not also loving myself. i recently made a list of things i can do, and things i can’t do. 

what i can do:
i can say no 
i can breathe deeply when i am feeling overwhelmed 
i can dance and celebrate 
i can relax my shoulders
i can stretch and meditate in the morning
i can drink lots of water
i can listen to people and emphasize with them
i can journal with myself to uncover my truth
i can look at the energy of things psychically to get more mental clarity
i can ask people what they need and offer it if i feel ready
i can bathe and cleanse myself with water
i can pray
i can ask for support when i need it
i can love myself no matter what

what i can’t do:
i can’t take on other peoples energies and process it for them
i cant fix or heal people
i cant change people
i cant say yes to everything 
i cant know someones needs or desires without really asking
i cant save the world 
i cant go days without self-care and be okay
i cant do lots of unpaid labor and still have energy for paid labor
i can’t have sex with people to make them feel better 
i can’t have sex when my body doesn't really want to and be okay later
i can’t control other people

there are deep currents of empowerment and release of old ways moving through our cells these days. with the eclipse coming on sunday, there are pulses of creativity that are calling you. the time between the eclipses can be really potent for magic and growth. it’s like our spells, our intentions, our rituals are amplified during this time. the more we are listening to ourselves, being embodied instead of up in our minds, following our correct way of being in this world, embodying our design, the more we are coming home to ourselves and to our world. 

when we act as ourselves, we shatter worlds. we disrupt systems of capitalism, speciesm, colonialism, anti-blackness & racism, cis/het sexism, ableism by being our messy and brilliant human selves, exactly as we are, without any wanting to change or be anything different. 

sometimes big changes are difficult, especially at the beginning. it hurts to do what you know you need to do at first, until you are doing it and there is no going back. when we encounter difficulty at the beginning, it is important to remember humility. Human Design teaches us that “the potential for evolutionary change that comes through this unpredictable, mutative and melancholic channel depends on one's capacity to accept limitation and transcend the confusion of new beginnings.”

the channel of mutation teaches us that we cannot rationalize away our melancholy. when feelings of deep grief arise because of eco-cide, human violence, supremacy, and in general the loss of the ones we love, or maybe we are just sad and we don’t know why, we cannot make it leave by saying that it is not there. it can be tempting to ignore our own limitations and overextend, overstretch, say yes when we really want to say no. if we do this now, we will really feel its impact on us. we will feel it through our bitterness, frustration, anger, and stress. if we can accept our limitations, we can actually move forth from truth and authenticity, which lines us up for creating more empowering and liberating relationships with ourselves. 

i once had a friend say to me, as i move more outwardly in the world, at the same time, i move more inward and closer to myself. may we remember that what we know seasonally as “winter” here in the northern hemisphere is a time to tend the warm coals of our bones. to gather round the fires of our insides, alone or with company, and dream, cuddle, rest, and recharge. that our inner world is vital, important, needs attention and can be found reflected in our outside world. may we tend to our relationships with star beings, earth tremors, and cycles of energy much larger than us. participating in a cosmic dance as ourselves, as orbiting, as balanced, as empowered. and so be it. 

if you are interested in learning more about how you can support yourself navigating through these changing times, i am offering Human Design readings 30 min ($45) & 1 hour ($80). come get the download on how to align with yourself, your body, and your correct decision-making strategy so you can use this potent, transformative cosmic cauldron energy for your deepest healing! book a session here:

photo beheld w/ arapahoe + ute territories


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