every day, write. because if you are not writing, here. you are writing somewhere. there are stories being told somewhere, in your being. they happen racing through your head or wake up at the tips of your fingers when dreaming. the ways you happen, and how the world happens with you is important, is important. write, because. it gives you life. it gives you a place to put: everything. it gives you a way to navigate death. the empty page does not judge or hurt you, like sometimes, the thoughts do inside of your own head. or the glances, shrugs, and distracted looks you interpret as signs from others, proving your unworthiness. write, because when you do, you fly. and flying tastes so good to your wings. your wings must remember how to fly, and when you are writing, they do. it is permission. it is promise. it is hope and despair and returning again to a place of origin. it is channeling, it is home-coming, it is discipline and challenge, death and resurr...
this blog is a place for feelings, it is a place for critical thought, for wonder wandering through curiosity and uncertainty. for dreams, for tracking, for documenting my life as a queer, white, ancestrally slavic, welsh, and english, genderfluid, pagan, highly sensitive, psychic, hearing, heartfelt, tender, human being. based in turtle island. currently occupying duwamish territory.