walk like the land can hear you like the land feels every imprint made upon them walk with reverence walk with care remember how your ancestors walked before all of this moments before, i was outside. when i was outside, i was watching the deer. and they were watching me. sometimes i can conceal myself, and so they do not know i am there. but, they are very good trackers, and they teach me about tracking. i freeze in mid-air once i notice their eyes upon me. i can feel their eyes upon me as i retreat and am walking back home. i stumble across it. it is huge, and calls out a gasp in me. it is covered by a branch, and i fall to my knees, with a weeping that comes from wonder. i press my hands on the ground, and i start singing. little whispers of melody peak out of my mouth. in between deep breaths. i am calling out to the one who left this here. i am calling out to them, in gratitude, because they mean so much to me. i wonder ab...
this blog is a place for feelings, it is a place for critical thought, for wonder wandering through curiosity and uncertainty. for dreams, for tracking, for documenting my life as a queer, white, ancestrally slavic, welsh, and english, genderfluid, pagan, highly sensitive, psychic, hearing, heartfelt, tender, human being. based in turtle island. currently occupying duwamish territory.